A Better Way of Giving…
Better Bucks!
Those that receive Better Bucks can use up to
$10 in Better Bucks vouchers at the participating merchants
Better Bucks for PRESCOTT VALLEY!
Give without enabling.
In an attempt to discourage panhandling by individuals who use the cash they receive from donors to feed substance abuse problems while at the same time remaining compassionate to those with legitimate needs.
Participating businesses have joined together with the Prescott Valley Police Department and the Shadows Foundation to develop a system that allows donors to buy vouchers for non-alcoholic and non-tobacco related goods at participating businesses.
Vouchers allow donors to express their compassion free from concerns that their charity will be used by panhandlers to engage in self-destruction, and vouchers benefit participating retailers by providing increased business.
You can purchase your Better Bucks Online Here, or pick up your Better Bucks at the following locations:
Step One Coffee House
6719 E 2nd St Ste C
Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314
Prescott Valley Police Dept.
7601 East Civic Circle
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Better Bucks can only be redeemed for food and important living essentials.
When giving Better Bucks you know how your donation is being used.
For more information, please call the Shadows Foundation at (928) 235-6599.